lundi 15 juillet 2013

Orange lance la première offre de transfert d'argent de mobile à mobile entre trois pays d'Afrique

 Commentaires "Orange premier sur les corridors SUD-SUD. une belle première qui montre que développement des pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest ne passe pas de l'Europe"
Extrait "Ainsi, par exemple, un client en Côte d'Ivoire peut envoyer de l'argent à ses proches ou à ses fournisseurs au Mali ou au Sénégal, directement sur leurs comptes Orange Money. Il suffit à l'expéditeur de se connecter depuis son mobile au #144#, puis de renseigner le numéro de téléphone Orange du destinataire et le montant à envoyer. L'argent est alors immédiatement disponible sur le compte du destinataire pour des paiements, achats ou transferts, ou peut être retiré près de chez lui, auprès de n'importe quel distributeur Orange Money. Dans le cas où le destinataire n'est pas encore client d'Orange Money, il peut ouvrir un compte gratuitement et très facilement."

mercredi 10 juillet 2013

Why mobile payments will never take off

Comment "I do not share this pessimistic conclusion of the mobile payment for emerging markets but there are good inputs shared in this article. Completly worth reading it even if you are an optimistic of mobile payments !"

Extract "It’s basically no easier or faster to activate the NFC or QR code in your phone or open an app than it is to dig out some cash from your pocket or pull a plastic card from your wallet. Try it. They’ll each take you basically the same amount of time."

mardi 9 juillet 2013

Conférence Futur Shopping: avec Flashiz, payez avec votre mobile

Commentaire "Face au grandes banques qui pietinnent sur le NFC, le pragmatisme de solutions agiles tels que celle de FlashIZ détonne et étonne par leur simplicité..."

Extrait "Application au déploiement rapide, elle s’avère beaucoup plus avantageuse grâce à sa fiabilité et la notoriété de sa technologie. Flashiz valorise la facilité du paiement par mobile en utilisant simplement un QR Code et démontre qu’acheter de manière cross-canal n’est pas hors de portée.
Enfin l’innovation majeure est la centralisation des coupons et points de fidélité en un seul QR Code afin de faciliter leur utilisation et stockage pour le mobinaute."

La mairie de Paris se lance dans le paiement mobile

Commentaire "La mairie de Paris se lance également dans le paiement mobile. Reste à savoir si cela sera suffisant pour rendre les automobilistes vertueux. De toute façon personne ne regrettera Moneo..."

Extrait "Le conseil de Paris doit voter cette semaine un appel d'offres pour mettre en œuvre le paiement du stationnement à distance, par smartphone et sur Internet. Une expérimentation sera lancée au premier trimestre 2014 puis généralisée courant 2015. A Paris, seuls 10% des automobilistes payent leur stationnement."

la Banque Postale expérimente le paiement mobile, techniquement différent de Citizy

Commentaire "La banque postal se lance dans le NFC en se démarquant via l'utilisation de carte mémoire spécifique. Vrai ou fausse bonne idée ?"

Extrait ""A terme, 500 clients et collaborateurs pourront tester ce nouveau moyen de paiement. Ce système repose sur une carte microSD, proposé par la société Gemalto qui s’insère dans un smartphone. Cette carte microSD contient l’application Visa PayWave de paiement sécurisée ainsi qu’une antenne miniature permettant au téléphone de communiquer via la technologie NFC avec les terminaux de paiement", explique l'établissement."

Plus d'info ici

Mobile and the ATM

Comments "Convergence between ATM and telephone is an innovation that could come to us quicker than usual. Already used in emerging markets combined with mobile money, there could be also  some use cases for more mature markets "

Extract "For every new technology there are always observers and analysts who enjoy playing the role of skeptic. There's apparently money to be made in catering to the preconceived notions of the incumbents. As the publisher of Mobile Payments Today and ATM Marketplace, as well as co-founder of ATMIA, Tom Harper could easily play the role of naysayer. After all, Harper has seen plenty of ATM innovations debut to great fanfare and then quietly fade away."
Link to the full story

lundi 8 juillet 2013

The stars align for Apple and mobile payments |

Comments "In fact Apple is already in mobile payments with in app purchase and itunes. But paying in a store or on the web is another story. Will it be the next battle for Apple ?"
Extract "Apple is getting closer to offering mobile payments – a lot closer. Though in Apple time that could still be a year or more."
Link to the full story

vendredi 5 juillet 2013

LevelUp and pcAmerica partner on mobile payments

Comments "More and more agreement between mobile payment provider and Pos editor. Will it be enough to win market shares ?"
Extract "pcAmerica, an award-winning retail and restaurant point of sale (POS) software developer, today announced an agreement to integrate the LevelUp mobile payment and loyalty solution into its Restaurant Express POS software."

Here's A Heavy Dose Of Reality For New Mobile Payments Startup Clinkle

 Here's A Heavy Dose Of Reality For New Mobile Payments Startup ClinkleClinkle founder Lucas Duplan
Comments "25 million $ of funding is not a guarantee of success but for sure it helps. Now there is a tough competition and there will be few companies left at the end. Good luck Clinkle !"
Extract "Clinkle's founder is optimistic about his odds of disrupting mobile payments. He'll soon learn that it's much more complicated than it seems."

PayPal lets French users top up friends' mobile phones

Business man using Smartphone

Comment "No sure of the use case for french senders by the market will let us know. Also a way for Ingenico to develop its offer"

Extract "PayPal is targeting the remittance market with a new service that enables French users to top up the mobile phone pre-paid credit of friends and family around the world. Developed with Ingenico subsidiary TransferTo, the PayPal Mobile Reload service will make it easy for account holders to send airtime to people in more than 60 countries through 200 mobile network operators."

Explosion des paiements par mobile dans le monde sauf par NFC

Commentaires "2013 ne sera vraisemblablement pas encore l'année du NFC. Depuis qu'on nous le promet ! La bonne nouvelle est que globalement les paiements par mobile progressent. Remis à plus tard ?"
Extrait "Cette croissance ne profite pas du tout à la technologie NFC. Celle-ci ne représente que 2% des paiements par mobile et devrait au mieux représenter 5% d'ici 2017. Elle a même connu une baisse cette année de 40%. Un retour en grâce devrait cependant se produire à partir de 2016 avec la généralisation des smartphones compatibles."
Plus d'info ici

Safaricom takes next step with M-PESA agressively targeting merchants

Comments "Another step for M-Pesa. Also a way to officialize what was already done in the market"
Extract "Safaricom has launched Lipa na M-PESA, an extension to it’s successful mobile money service M-PESA. With the new service consumers can buy goods and services at Merchants accepting this payment method. Safaricom’s agressive target is to get 100 000 merchants onboard before end of April 2014. Merchants need to apply via a simple registration process, including getting a special SIM (called a Till), at Safaricom authorized dealers, M-PESA agents or Safaricom Retail Shops."

ZAAD mobile money service in Somaliland

MMU releases a new case study on Telesom’s Zaad mobile money service in Somaliland
Comments "Very dynamic mobile money programme analysed by GSMA. Complete survey download available at the end of the article.
Extract "Telesom’s ZAAD has possibly the highest activity rate of any mobile money service in the world with the average active ZAAD user transacting 30 times per month or approximately daily. ZAAD represent an evolution in mobile money. Telesom learned from existing services at that time in its neighbouring countries and then tailored these models to suit their own cultural and economic situation."

mercredi 3 juillet 2013

Kenya is making an international name for itself as a technology centre.

The M-Kopa lamp, and its control pad
Comments "Amazing ideas and new business around mobile money programs in Kenya. Ideas for the followers"
Extract "There are several tech hubs and accelerators in Nairobi. At one called 88mph, the other afternoon, I met a succession of start-up businesses trying to create new companies out of that convergent potential of mobile phones, and the mobile money launched by the Kenyan phone company Safaricom six years ago."

Case Study: Econet Zimbabwe’s big mobile money ambitions

MMU Case Study: Econet Zimbabwe’s big mobile money ambitions

Comment "Interresting case study on a growing mobile money program. At the end of the article you can download the full study"

Extract "EcoCash has leapt off the starting blocks, registering 31% of Zimbabwe’s adult population onto the service in only 18 months on the back of an aggressive field registration effort. What distinguishes Econet’s approach is the level of strategic commitment from the highest levels of management. Econet leadership has housed EcoCash under an entirely separate company with its own governance and funding. "

Are Security Concerns Preventing mPayments’ Ascent?

Comment "Consumers are worried about security but are also looking for convenience. Unsolvable?" 

Extract "Consumer awareness of mobile payments is on the rise, but that doesn’t mean consumers are more inclined to make mobile transactions. In fact, while 41 percent of North American smartphone users are aware that their devices can make mobile payments, just 16 percent have engaged in such activity. That’s just one of the more telling findings from Accenture’s recent study on mobile payments adoption."

Battle over mobile payments centers on small shops in big countries

Comments "Mobile payments are not enough to attract consumers. Added value is the key. Start to build your own loyalty program !"
Extract "The added convenience of mobile payments won’t inspire consumers to switch from credit cards in countries where credit cards are widely used, industry observers said at the Mobile Commerce World conference in San Francisco this week. But special offers and services could attract consumers, and small businesses disappointed with current payment systems may be among the first to make the switch, they said."

Shell innovates with MyOrder to enable mobile ordering and payment

Comment "Gas stations are among the places where mobile payments make a lot of sense: overpopulated, loyalty programs, self services, etc"

Extract "From today, motorists across the Netherlands will be able to use 0 their smartphone to order – and pay for – fresh coffee and snacks from deli2go. Shell is adding a brandnew innovation to its service stations with the introduction of MyOrder. The app provides a solution to some of the Dutch pet hates: waiting in queues (93%) and waiting to pay (41%)."

mardi 2 juillet 2013

21-Year-Old Raises Largest Seed Round In Silicon Valley History ($25 Million) For Mysterious Payments App

clinkle lucas duplan
Comment "USA: the country where everything is still possible if you are a young talent" 
Extract "The first-time entrepreneur and recent Stanford graduate (he finished a computer science degree in three years) has been working on a mobile payment app for the past two years. He's now been awarded $25 million from a long list of Silicon Valley investors which includes Andreessen Horowitz, Peter Thiel, Accel Partners' Jim Breyer, Intel, Intuit, former Facebook COO Owen Van Natta, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, the founders of Qualcomm and VMware, and many others."

lundi 1 juillet 2013

Why smartwatches are the real future of mobile payments

Why smartwatches are the real future of mobile payments
Comments "Smartwatches will save NFC ? Why not. NFC needs for sure a killer idea to be save..."
Extract "Despite these challenges, experts still predict that mobile payment adoption is set to take off. According to research from Javelin, the total amount of mobile payments at the point of sale will increase from $398 million last year to $5.4 billion by 2018. But it begs the question: What’s going to drive the drastic shift in consumer behavior that would lead to this market growth? The answer: wearable technology"

L’Afrique championne du monde du paiement par téléphone mobile

 (c) Sipa
Commentaires "Grâce au pragmatisme des solutions déployées et adaptées aux équipements des clients, le paiement mobile est rentré dans le quotidien des Africains."
Extrait "80% des transactions effectuées sur mobile ont pour origine les pays d’Afrique de l’Est. Alors que 80% des Africains n'ont pas de compte bancaire, le versement par téléphone d'une somme d'argent se multiplie à grande vitesse sur ce continent où l'on recense 735 millions de cartes SIM. Européens et Américains arrivent loin derrière"