mercredi 25 septembre 2013

TAG Attitude et le mobile payement Afrique

Pas d’article pour une fois mais un Podcast à réécouter sur le développement du paiement par mobile en Afrique et le rôle de TagAttitude, société française qui exporte bien sa technologie (découvert des basiques)

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Google Wallet overhaul shifts emphasis away from NFC

Extract "NFC has died more than once since the Beacon move from Apple and Paypal. Even if Nexus phones have embedded NFC chips, Google is also moving away more and more from this technology…

Extract  "Google has overhauled its mobile wallet service, opening it up to all Android devices running version 2.3 or higher and distancing it from its NFC-based origins.
When it launched in 2011 Google Wallet was pitched as a tool for enabling in-store, NFC-based payments. But, thanks to a limited number of compatible handsets and the refusal of telcos AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon to back it, the service has failed to take off."

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Les banques françaises lancent un système concurrent de PayPal ?

Commentaires "On aimerait y croire, moi le premier,  mais les spécialistes sont sceptiques. Pour concurrencer Paypal il faudrait déjà être une solution ouverte et internationale. Deux conditions qui ne sont pas encore remplies. Reste une niche pour les utilisateur franco-français qui n'ont pas encore été séduits par Paypal..."

Extrait "Une petite icône est née. Elle s'appelle PayLib et permettra bientôt de régler son billet de train commandé sur ou le robot ménager repéré sur Cette solution de paiement en ligne, sur smartphone ou tablette, a été dévoilée mardi 17 septembre par de grands parrains : BNP Paribas, la Société générale et La Banque postale (LBP)."

 Plus d'infos ici

Bluetooth à l'assaut du paiement mobile ?

Commentaire "Autre article au sujet des initiatives de Paypal et Apple sur les devices Beacon et leurs usages possible, y compris en matière de paiements mobiles."

Extrait "Alors que l'annonce des derniers nés de la gamme iPhone aura encore déçu tous ceux qui espéraient y voir apparaître une interface NFC (sans contact), c'est une "nouvelle" technologie qui lui vole maintenant la vedette, sous le nom de "iBeacon". Et ce n'est certainement pas une coïncidence si PayPal dévoilait il y a quelques jours son propre "beacon".
Bien qu'Apple évoque uniquement, pour l'instant, une utilisation de ses accessoires pour localiser les consommateurs à l'intérieur des bâtiments (pour les guider, pour leur distribuer des promotions…), il ne faut pas beaucoup d'imagination pour supposer que les applications de paiement ne sont pas loin derrière (..). La convergence de deux acteurs d'importance sur une nouvelle technologie impose en tous cas d'y prêter attention."

Plus d'info ici 

South Africa: MobileMoney banking initiative reaches million-customer milestone

Comments "Another (small for a telco) milestone reach, again, in Africa. MTN is fighting in a thought competition all around Africa with big and sometimes smaller success, but is always there”

Extract "MOBILE Money, a mobile banking initiative by mobile operator MTN that uses Pick n Pay and Boxer stores as branches, has reached a million customers and processed more than R1bn in its first nine months, MTN said this week."
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MasterCard testing in-stadium mobile pay app

Comments "It seems quite a specific use case from EU but I think we can not really understand the challenge around hot dog and US football ;-) Nevertheless, Mastercard is testing QRcodes and may show the way to others if it works"

Extract "If you've ever craved another hot dog and beverage during a college football game but didn't have the heart to fight your way to the concourse, MasterCard may have an answer. The company said it is testing, with Legends Hospitality, an expansion of its QkR app that will let consumers order and pay for food without leaving their stadium seat. The expanded app was part of a lengthy list of payment-related innovations this company showed off during its annual investor day Wednesday."

Link to the full story 

Taking stock of Apple's iBeacon

Comments "Since the presentation of the new Iphone 5S & 5C, there is a big debate to know whether Apple will use its iBeacon Technology to supplant NFC in mobile payments. Some are even astonished or disappointed that there is no NFC in the iphone 5x. But who can still believe Apple would entered in an open ecosystem and shares its profits?"

Extract "Apple mentioned iBeacon in passing during its WWDC presentation earlier this year, but a story this week on GigaOm, predicting it could supplant NFC in the mobile payments ecosystem, unleashed a torrent of follow-up commentary. Some observers agree, some scoff."

Link to the full story 

Ingenico et Tagattitude veulent accélérer l'inclusion financière en Afrique

Commentaire "Partenariat très prometteur pour les deux groupes et une synergie évidente sur le volet acquisition par les commerçants. En les équipant, les banques pourront entretenir leur rêve de déployer un jour la carte bancaire en Afrique, tout en permettant aux commerçants de profiter du boom du paiement mobile. Toujours mieux de d'opposer deux mondes qui ne devraient pas être ennemis. Une certaine idée de la polyvalence"

Extrait "Le fabricant français de terminaux de paiement Ingenico a annoncé mardi s'associer avec la société de technologies Tagattitude, spécialisée dans le paiement via téléphone portable, afin de développer l'inclusion financière en Afrique"."

Plus d'infos ici 

PayPal rebooting the mobile wallet

Comment "Paypal is pushing mobile payment in many ways to bring its mobile wallet in shops with this news app, face recognition, beacon and many to come for sure"

Extract "PayPal Australia has launched the next iteration of the PayPal mobile application, refreshed with enhanced digital wallet functionality to make it easier than ever to pay in-store and send money to friends via mobile. The redesigned application includes several time saving functions which PayPal’s five million active Australian account holders can take advantage of, such as “ordering ahead” for you morning coffee or getting home delivery from over 2,000 restaurants nationwide."

Link to the full story 

Why Did Mobile Money Flop In Nigeria?

Comments "Mobile money in Nigeria is far from M-Pesa Success at country level. Like everywhere the proximity of the service, the training of the users need to be adressed. But the main différence with Kenya is that a traditional bank is piloting the mobile money program..."

Extract "Two years have passed since a mobile money service was deployed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and it still has yet to catch on with the masses. According to a recent poll by the Nigerian research company NOI, only 6 out of 10 Nigerians know about the service (59 percent), and of that number only 13 percent are using it. Even more discouraging is that 93 percent of the mobile money adopters are using it in conjunction with an existing bank account, and that the remaining 7 percent had a bank account, but operated it separately. That implies that the target audience—the unbanked—is missing out entirely."
Link to the full story

mercredi 18 septembre 2013

Brazil tasks Central Bank with regulating mobile payments

Comments "The regulation will not for interoperability but set it as a goal for later. non bank m-payment entities will also be allowed to issue e-money , as in EU. A good sign for the financial inclusion ?"

Extract "The Brazilian government announced that Banco Central do Brasil will be responsible for regulating the nation's payments industry, including m-payments providers. By setting m-payments regulations in place while that market remains embryonic, the South American nation's stance contrasts with U.S. authorities' wait-and-see approach."
read the full story here

vendredi 13 septembre 2013

PayPal re-imagines the mobile wallet

Comment "Will Paypal be able to replace all what we have in our wallet ? Not easy at worlwide level as esch country has its own habits, but lets try already for the US. To be followed"

Extract "PayPal's quest to replace the leather wallet with a mobile handset has moved closer to fruition with the release of a bundled app incorporating bank and card payments, loyalty redemption, credit lines, P2P money transfer and high street shopping"

Link to the full story

Apple ne veut pas de NFC mais lance iBeacon

Commentaire "Est il surprenant qu'Apple ne se range pas du coté du NFC alors que le business model si cher à la pomme n'a pas encore trouvé son modèle justement ? Non bien évidemment. Apple n'a pas encore tout révélé de l'usage de iBeacon dans le cadre des paiements mais une chose est sure, le NFC sans les iphone est la mort programmé des solutions secure element et autres. Restera les cartes..."

Extrait "Coup dur pour l'industrie du NFC ; au lieu d’utiliser la technologie NFC dans son nouvel iPhone, Apple lance sa propre technologie pour le paiement mobile: iBeacon.
Comme souvent chez Apple l’absence d’une technologie ne signifie pas forcément l’absence des fonctions que cette technologie est censée promouvoir. Le NFC a été à nouveau écarté de la liste de specs des nouveaux iPhone, et pourtant les analystes se sont sans doute emballés un peu vite en considérant qu’Apple se coupait ainsi de tout un pan des évolutions technologiques basées sur les communications à courtes distances."

Plus d'infos ici

Tax collection between Vodacom and TRA

Comment "Interesting use case around tax collection and cooperation with authorities”

Extract "Vodacom Tanzania and the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) have partnered to collect road licence fees through M-Pesa, collecting TZN2 billion (US$1.2 million) out of the total TZN4.7 billion (US$2.9 million) in the first three weeks."

Link to the full article

jeudi 12 septembre 2013

The big payoff: Getting customers active at registration

Comment "Everyone who as roll out a mobile money program in an emerging country knows that customer activation is one of the key success. Very good study from Philip Levin (GSMA) on this challenge"

Extract "Low customer activity rates have been a persistent challenge across the mobile money industry. As of June 2012, industry-wide active rates stood at 22%.  The question every operator is asking: How can one increase customer activity and therefore mobile money ARPUs?"

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Uganda Cashless

Comment "Uganda mobile money market is dynamic and the competition is though. Is it enough for a cashless country one day ?"

Extract "A cashless economy is one in which the purchase of goods and services and the payment of debts and remittances are done through electronic money media, either through credit and debit cards, direct transfers from one account to another, smart cards, mobile payment systems, and other technologies."

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Testing Mobile Phone-based Sales to Increase Use of Safe Water Filters in Kenya

Comments "Again in Kenya. Very interresting use case for mobile money and very usefull. This needs to be widespread !"

Extract "Contaminated drinking water contributes to the deaths of some 750,000 children under the age of five every year due to diarrheal disease. As a result, there is a pressing need in the developing world for ways to make water safe to drink that are affordable and widely used."

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Aldi and Lidl introduce contactless payments

Comments "It is somehow strange that discounters take their chance on contacless payment, but why not. Who know ... ?"

Extract "Contactless payments have arrived at the discounters, with Lidl recently completing a rollout of the technology…"

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Facebook in plans to test mobile payments feature

Comments "This is a small move and may be not a big innovation, but big players like Facebook and Paypal can change a lot of things if they work together"

extract "In a bid to tap into the growing mobile payments market, social media giant, Facebook, has announced it is in discussions with PayPal to launch a new mobile payment feature. When making purchases on mobile applications, Facebook users will be able to use payment details added to their Facebook accounts to automatically fill in forms."
Link to the full story

Kenya:Phones moved Sh1.5 trillion last year

Comment "Thanks to M-Pesa, Kenya is leading mobile money in Africa  and will stay first for a long time according to me. Where will it stop ?"

Extract "KENYANS last year transacted more than Sh1.5 trillion using mobile money transfer services like M-pesa and Airtel Money, Central Bank statistics show.
The financial stability report released by CBK shows that mobile phone money transfer services grew by 31.5 per cent in the value of transactions on the back of growth in the number of agents.
The number of agents rose by 52.4 per cent to stand at 76,912 up from 50,471 as competitors rolled out more outlets. In the period, the number of users rose 9.9 per cent to stand at 21.1 million, up from 19.2 million."

New mobile money service introduced in Gabon

Comments "Welcome Gabon in in the mobile money world ! "

Extract "The success of mobile banking in Kenya has prompted similar initiatives to spread throughout the continent, although results elsewhere have been more mixed. Telecoms operators in Gabon, who face an increasingly revenue-competitive environment, are hoping to use mobile money programmes to improve their bottom lines and have signed a host of new deals to extend the range of products on offer."

Link to the full story

Nigeria : Ecobank to disburse MDG funds through mobile money

Comment "Disbursement is an interesting mobile money use case in the financial inclusion battle”

Extract "The programme, which is planned to run in 12 months cycles, will have funds disbursed to over 56,000 households in 600 communities in the first phase. It is part of the countdown strategy of the MDG office, according to the bank. The money, the bank stressed, would be disbursed through mobile money."
Link to the full story

Mobile Money and Agriculture

Commentaire "Agriculture and mobile money should be the best friends. A win win situation to develop everywhere"

Extract "During MMU’s Global Mobile Money Event in July, Michel Hanouch from CGAP pitched the opportunity represented by the convergence of mobile money and mobile agriculture to the audience"

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Health Care with M-Pesa

Comments "M-Pesa is enhancing the range of services available through the mobile. Good idea to keep the dynamism of its offer"

Extract "Nairobi residents employed in the informal sector are set to benefit from affordable health care services with the launch of a mobile phone based health product by a micro insurer."

Link to the full strory

Paypal new partnerships

Comment "Paypal continues to grow its own web around the world. Who can compete now ?"

Extract "PayPal has announced a new agreement with online and mobile banking provider IND Group, The Paypers reported on August 23.
PayPal will now offer money transfer functionalities to IND bank customers in 15 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) nations. Users in these regions can send money via email, without a PayPal account."

Link to the full story 

Mobile wallet is not enough

Comments "All experts know it. Mobile Payments are not enough to replace plastic. Coupons and loyalty programs are a must have for any new Mobile Payment offer"

Extract "According to Vibes, a mobile marketing technology company, 33 percent of consumers believe mobile wallets can only be used to make payments, while 19 percent still have no clue what mWallets are. The research reveals that consumers want a seamless shopping experience and Vibes confirmed that there is high consumer demand for non-payment features to be integrated with mWallets. Retailers have the opportunity to improve customer attitudes and reach a broader mobile wallet audience if they take advantage of the emerging mobile technology. "
Link to the full strory

M Pesa in India

Comment "Will M-Pesa be able to reproduce the same success in India ?"

Extract " Vodafone India along with ICICI bank on Wednesday launched its mobile money transfer and payment service ‘M-Pesa’ in Delhi, expanding the footprint in the Capital.
The company plans to roll-out the service in Mumbai and Lucknow in the next couple of days, in a bid to tap the migrant population."

Pay by Face

Comment "Pay by face recognition already there somehow with Paypal. Is this a new channel ?"

Extract "The borough's high street has begun using a payment system that works by simply recognising customers by their first name and picture via a mobile phone app.
The app for iOS, Windows OS and Android phones highlights nearby shops and restaurants that accept PayPal.
The customer checks in by clicking on the required retailer and sliding an animated pin down on their screen."
Link to the full story

MFI and M-Banking

Comments "interesting survey as usual from the CGAP, about how MFI can leverage mobile money programs and mobile banking for their own goals"

Extract "This paper addresses options MFIs have to leverage m-banking; experiences of MFIs that have served as agents for m-banking ; benefits for MFIs and their customers; why some MFIs hold off on m-banking; and new innovative microfinance business models.""
link to the full story

QR codes are Nice ?

Commentaire "Le QR code fait sont chemin dans le mobile paiement en l'absence d'alternatives crédibles. Ici on parle de Nice, la ville du NFC quand même !"

"Hexapay, une société fondée en 2010, propose une solution de paiement mobile tout supports pour les retailers. Concrètement, l’application permet de scanner un QR Code sur un produit, une affiche de film par exemple, et de payer directement avec son mobile pour acheter son ticket."
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