mercredi 18 décembre 2013

Poste Italiane signs agreement with payleven for Chip and PIN distribution in Italy

Comments "Payleven Mpos solution is really a smart way to accept card on the go. I've personally tried it for dozens of transactions and the process is really smooth, convenient, and easy to use. What else ? It is more surprising that BancoPosta has signed a agreement with such a young player. But is it a a good sign of their capacity to move quicky"

Extract "Poste Italiane has signed an agreement with payleven, a European provider of mobile card payments, to make its Chip and PIN card reader available for all clients of Banco Posta in Italy.
As of October, small and medium sized businesses including tradesmen, taxi drivers, and retailers, can sign up with payleven at their nearest post office or Banco Posta in Italy. They will then receive a Chip and PIN device that can accept debit and credit cards. Users are required to have an existing BancoPosta account or will need to open a new account to benefit from the offer."

Link to the full story

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